What is Observability?
Observability is the ability to measure a system's current state based on data it generates such as logs, metrics and traces.
Why Grafana?
Grafana allows you to query, visualize, alert, and understand your metrics no matter where they are stored.
The Core LGTM stack
Why use Grafana Cloud for log monitoring?
Consistent performance at any scale
Correlate logs and metrics for rapid troubleshooting
Easy setup for log management
Scale log volumes but not your observability costs
Get started: https://grafana.com/products/cloud/logs/
Why Grafana?
Unify your data, not your database
Data everyone can see
Dashboards that anyone can use
Flexibility and versatility
Get started: https://grafana.com/grafana/
Why use Grafana for traces?
Integrated with your tools
Correlated with your metadata Maximum traces minimal overhead
Cloud native
Get started: https://grafana.com/products/cloud/traces/
Why scale metrics with Grafana Cloud?
High performance at any scale
Optimize metric cardinality
Streamline your hybrid observability operations
Seamlessly expand your observability stack
Get started: https://grafana.com/products/cloud/metrics/
Extend your functionality with plugins
Get started here: https://grafana.com/grafana/plugins/
Oh, that was quick! This is it for this part, in the next blog we will get some hands-on with grafana.
Thank you, hope you enjoyed it.